Thursday, September 17, 2009

From a postmodern point of view..

The piece I chose to write about for this assignment is called Reactive Spark designed by Markus Lerner. It's 5 panels that change as they light up. What I like about them is that they are mostly red with this dip of cream at the bottom. The pictures taken of them at night are stunning w/ the sky at a medium blue at the tops, And the dark green trees cutting through the center. The cars driving through the picture are done in real time, Which makes them leave the streak of their lights across the image. They style of this pice is installation photography, One of the main trends in postmodern art. In the photo is the 3D installation of the panels can cars, Which is interactive with the viewer. On Lerner's page where he talks about this piece, He concentrates on the car lights creating energy, And really focuses on them. I found that very interesting because i feel more energized by the lit up panels vs the car lights. Over all i really like this photo installation.


  1. This is an interesting piece, and a good choice. While the panels themselves almost look like modern abstractions, the interactivity and the installation form are much more postmodern approaches.

    I wish the photo was embedded in your post, and that you had created a hyperlink in the text to the website. (When you are posting use the buttons above - the chain allows you to make a link and the little "picture" allows you to embed an image).

  2. Thank you, Ya i tried to photobucket the images in, But it wasn't showing up. I didn't realize that's what those buttons did, I will use them for this next blog.
