Thursday, September 24, 2009

MIA Installation

For this installation we were to use pieces found @ the MIA. We had to have at least 3 objects from two diff. floors. The 3 objects i picked for my installation were:

I would put these pieces in simple plain room painted compleatly black (Walls, Floor, Ceiling), With no lighting around it. I would have the picture of Washington free hanging by wire in the center of the room w/ no lights directed on him. I would have one of the weapons (Sword/Knives) free hanging in front of the painting, Right in front of where Washington's sword hangs. I would have the healing doll free hanging as well, In front of the chair Washington if partly standing in front of, As if was sitting in the seat. As i said earlyer in this description, I will not have a light directing on the painting. However, I will place a bright light directly above the sword, And another directly above the healling doll, For extremly high contrast in the other wise dark room.

I want to show these things from africa as being apart of Washington. I've heard alot about presidants from back in the day, Including Washington that had sex or even raped their slaves. The healling doll shown here, Is not just for physical health, But emotional as well. It's something i hope these used woman could be helped by. Rape is normaly to show power over someone vs. for sex/lust. I give Washington this african weapon not to protect himself, But to stand in for the woman he hurt as slaves or otherwise, To make him feel powerful.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

From a postmodern point of view..

The piece I chose to write about for this assignment is called Reactive Spark designed by Markus Lerner. It's 5 panels that change as they light up. What I like about them is that they are mostly red with this dip of cream at the bottom. The pictures taken of them at night are stunning w/ the sky at a medium blue at the tops, And the dark green trees cutting through the center. The cars driving through the picture are done in real time, Which makes them leave the streak of their lights across the image. They style of this pice is installation photography, One of the main trends in postmodern art. In the photo is the 3D installation of the panels can cars, Which is interactive with the viewer. On Lerner's page where he talks about this piece, He concentrates on the car lights creating energy, And really focuses on them. I found that very interesting because i feel more energized by the lit up panels vs the car lights. Over all i really like this photo installation.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm chilling..

Mona just sat next to me. *Tear