Thursday, October 29, 2009

Art connected to class.

`The artist i chose for this blog is Markus Lerner. He does digital works, And installations. The 2nd and 3rd  pictures above are just two of many from his installation, Fairytale.  In this installation he uses these warm colored bubbles and white swirls to show how an object radiates light when they hit a bigger object. He calls the idea "A visualized dream of energy", And that is exactly how it makes me feel.  The warm red and coral speres fill me up with a cozy warm energy, And the light that bounces around them gets me excited as if i can feel this power inside of me, And i can picture all the bubbles floating around and almost going crazy with excitement, And i can see and feel it burst all around me. I love his choice in color, It goes along with the last work i had put up of his (The top picture, Sorry, It won't upload to any where up on top), Reactive Sparks.  I really love Lerner's work, I can feel all the worth it radiates out to me, It's like happiness.

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