Thursday, November 12, 2009


The group mapping project i am choosing to write about is Shelby, Tim, Jun, And Chandra's.  Thought fairly simple in the materials, They showed us something that not only catches the eye, But both amuses the mind, And makes us think.  Colored lights clearly catch our attention and "amuses" our mind.  We are biologically programed to be drawn to the light, It's apart of survival, So you can't not look at their project.  The colors they used for the light (Blue And Red) look great and bounced off the the shiny black background, Making them seem even brighter and more appealing.  Other than their display looking fun and cool, They mapped something i think is a good thing to bring up.  They mapped male vs. female artists.  I think seeing, knowing who many male vs female artist do what kind of art in not just the Walker, But anywhere. It shows us places where woman and men are the strongest, And where we're the weakest, As an artist i hope others who see their project are inspired to dabble in areas of art their sex and them themselves haven't experienced yet, Because the more things we try, The more things we can learn and create, And that's why we're all artist right? to create.